Beautifully written by Jess French, this captivating picture book shows children the importance of their world. It teaches them about animals, plants and ecosystems and how they can nurture and protect them.
- Hardback children's book - 7+
- Contains 72 pages with photography
- Published by Dorling Kindersley Children
- Features an introduction to conservation
- Size: 21.6cm x 1.4cm x 28cm
It's a Wonderful World: How to Protect the Planet and Change the Future. This book title says it all. A captivating journey through the natural world, children will discover the challenges facing different species and how they can help. It shows them the wonders that surround them in a gorgeous introduction to conservation for kids.
Filled with photographs and vibrant, bright drawings by Aleesha Nandhra, it's engaging and exciting. They can learn from the positive ideas how to work together to care for the environment and be kind to others. Share your child's curiosity and treat them to an inspiring book they can treasure as they navigate their way through their early years.