Best Gifts For Stressed Out Friends

Stress-busting Ways To Help Them Relax And Rejuvenate 

Did you start the day thinking everything would turn out just peachy? You imagined your entire schedule would go according to plan, and you'd wind up the day as happy as you started it... But then life happened, leaving you feeling tired and overwhelmed. It can happen to anyone at any time, and sometimes all the hot showers and chocolate in the world won’t help.


We all have a few friends who constantly get stressed out with the demands of work and family and who desperately need a break. It can be challenging to know precisely how to help, but as a good friend, you want them to feel better. Maybe they’re having a family crisis, problems at work, or a relationship drama. Whatever the cause, they need encouragement, motivation and support. So what can you do to help a stressed out friend?


Here’s our straightforward guide to managing the situation and relaxation gifts for stressed people that will bring instant relief. Give yourself a helping de-stress hand with these suggestions too. Sometimes the very best gift for stressed friends (and yourself) is the opportunity of indulgence and the time to take a deep breath. The gift of self-care and recuperation is priceless!


7 Simple Ways To Support A Stressed Out Friend

Dealing with stress means managing the triggers and being more aware of the situations that overwhelm us. Sometimes, when friends aren’t coping well, they need you to step up for a while. Whatever the reason, stress can negatively affect them, and health can also take a hit. Remember, taking care of them can be hard on you, too, so make sure to prioritise your own self-care!  

  • Stay present and supportive and try to motivate them

  • Help them out with practical jobs and chores at home

  • Get outside, get active, and enjoy the fresh air and nature

  • Share your own favourite stress-busting strategies with them

  • Try to help identify and reduce the stress factors in play

  • Send them some self-care indulgences and little luxuries

  • Find a way to make them laugh and have fun every day


Beach Towel


What Should Be Included In A Stress Care Package?

It's no secret that just the right present can uplift someone's spirits instantly. So, gifts for stress relief that help them relax and unwind are always a great idea. Stress care packages can take various forms depending on who you're trying to soothe and their likes and dislikes. It could include practical items, their favourite things or even funny stress relief gifts to take their minds off whatever's affecting them negatively.


Try healing aromatherapy

Help them find inner peace through the wonderful scents of aromatherapy, linked to promoting soothing sensations in stressed individuals. There are numerous ways to bring these fragrances into your pal's environment, from beautifully scented candles to essential oils and sprays.


Feed them up 

One of the best gifts for stressed friends is food, which is often neglected during periods of stress. Healthy eating habits and ditching processed foods can have a real impact on overall wellbeing and stress levels. Help them with homecooked meals or treat them to a gourmet food hamper.


Introduce happy pastimes

Doing something we love can immediately affect our mood in a positive way. So, get your overwhelmed friend something to keep them calm and occupied. Arts and crafts, colouring books or garden tools are all fantastic relaxing gift ideas for the overworked mind. 


Make planning easy

One major stress trigger is thinking we have too much to do and not enough time. Often, it's because we subconsciously delay dealing with things as they arise. Treat your stressed-out friend to gifts that keep them right on target, like a diary, journal, planner or cool desk calendar.  


Promote good sleep

Whenever your pal isn't feeling like themselves, their sleep patterns are likely to suffer contributing to higher stress levels. Great ideas for de-stress gifts for her or him are anything that promotes rest, from a cuddly throw or eye mask to a lavender spray or sleep well set. 


Help encourage self-care

Nothing is more relaxing than a luxury care package for stressed friends when times are really hard. They’re created to nourish and calm all the senses. Encourage them to take a moment and unwind with pampering gifts, bathtime products and a host of their favourite little treats.


Eye Mask


The Importance Of Self-care In Relieving Stress

It’s vital to get your friend to focus on their well-being as a way to help them manage stressful periods in life. Through practising self-care, they'll be able to take some time out solely for themselves. Some of the ways you can encourage a pal to prioritise their needs include:


  • Activity - whether it's taking a short walk or engaging in various forms of exercise, your friend will experience relief by doing some physical activity. Incorporating activities like yoga can also help them learn several de-stressing techniques.  

  • Disconnecting - although we're in a technological age, it's necessary to disconnect every once in a while. Encourage them to take a break from gadgets. It could be an off-the-grid day trip or simply switching off their phones for an hour and unwinding in peace.

  • Meditation - along with disconnecting, get your stressed-out pal to try meditating whenever they're in their quiet zone. These sessions can also include mindfulness, calming breathing exercises, and gentle stretching to relieve muscle tension.

  • Pampering - it’s important to encourage stressed pals to take some time out and focus on their favourite things. Simple acts like treating themselves to a special meal, a long soak in the bath or the sofa with a good book can make all the difference.  

  • Gratitude - we can gain much-needed stress relief by looking at things differently. Appreciating what they have that's going well means focussing on all the good stuff. Practising being grateful will help them clear their thoughts and calm down gently.


Relaxation Hamper


What Is A Gift To Give Someone Who Is Stressed?

Are you still wondering what to send a friend who is stressed out with life? You can make a real difference so take a minute to browse Gifts Australia for some fabulous ideas. You’ll find an array of options to inspire you, from gifts for a stressed-out boyfriend to stress relief gifts for mum. There are practical items to get them organised, pamper ideas to comfort and novelty fun items sure to cheer them up. We’re sure you’ll find their favourite things or something new to make their day. Take care of yourself too, and add a little something to your shopping cart for yourself!




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