Celebrate International Day of Happiness

How Inspiration, Motivation And Happiness Are Linked


In case you haven’t heard of it before, the International Day of Happiness is an annual event organised by the UN and celebrated on March 20. This year, the Day of Happiness falls on a weekend, so it’s the perfect time to join in. The day promotes the idea that feeling happy is a global human right because, well, positive emotions are vital for everyone’s well-being! 


This dedicated day is a relatively new concept, but the team at Gifts Australia think it’s a superb one. The very first International Day of Happiness was held in 2013 with aims to reduce inequality and poverty and protect our planet by striving for well-being and happiness for everyone. The global celebration is coordinated by Action for Happiness, a not-for-profit group encompassing 160 countries. 


Great idea, right? So here are our ideas on how to feel grateful in everyday life and how we can all celebrate together on International Day of Happiness. You can also check out our fabulous collection of inspirational gifts if you want to make someone’s day.


Happiness starts with you. Not with your relationships, not with your job, not with your money, but with you.”


Exploring International Day of Happiness 2021


The theme this year is about finding ways to stay positive and look after each other as we continue to face the ongoing pandemic. We are, quite literally, all in this together. By recognising those small happy moments each and every day, we can all stay balanced and feel uplifted. While Australia has luckily been spared the worst of Covid, the change to our daily lives has been profound. Many of the things that make people happy have become challenging.  


The inspirational happy quote of 'Keep Calm. Stay Wise. Be Kind' has been adopted this year, and it’s a great reminder to value what’s important.


Keep Calm. There are lots of things outside our control. Let’s remember to breathe and focus on what really matters so we can respond constructively.


Stay Wise. Making wise choices helps everyone. Let’s choose positive actions that support our well-being and help others to do the same.


Be Kind. We’re all in this together, even when we’re forced apart. Let’s stay connected and reach out to help others who may be in need.


The Role Of Happy Positive Inspirational Quotes 


Happiness is closely linked to inspiration, motivation and success in life. To be successful, each day is a huge opportunity to be better or move closer to your goals. This is not just related to the big things in life, but the small things that are vital to your happiness. It might sound like too much effort, but the more you achieve, the more goals you’ll want to reach, and the happier you will become. There are so many wonderful things around us that can provide daily inspiration. 


Seeing friends and family accomplish something great or seeing others overcome adversity is extremely motivating. The sheer wonder and beauty of nature should always remind us how lucky we are to live in this world. Even inspirational quotes about life and happiness can help us get through a bad day. The power of these quotes can help improve your positivity and outlook and this has a huge impact on your overall wellbeing.


Celebrating You: And The Beautiful Person You Are Book


Helpful Tips For Happiness In Daily Life


Studying happiness is not new, but in recent years we are beginning to understand the far-reaching effects of positive emotions. Scientists and psychologists have concluded that the main key to wellness is both a strong sense of purpose and strong social ties. In other words, we need to be involved in something that’s for others or the 'greater good’ of our world. So that’s one more good reason to join in on the International Day of Happiness!


Having a positive mindset is vital to our health and feelings of well-being. Of course, this could include a career helping others, voluntary work or participation in groups that promote community activities. Happiness is about feeling content, satisfied and connecting with others. It’s also about learning new things and challenging ourselves. It’s about meeting new people and boldly trying new experiences. 


Most of all, it’s about taking the time to cherish the small things every day, and showing gratitude for every moment we are given.


How Your Family Can Celebrate International Day of Happiness Australia

  • Visit Happy Acts website for tips, challenges and engaging activities for all the family
  • Share your happy acts on social media and watch how others spread happiness
  • Download, print and create your very own fun and engaging Happiness Wall 
  • Search for feel-good movies and happy songs, like “Happy”, to share with the kids
  • Get a warm fuzzy feeling and join in with their Happy Acts calendar suggestions
  • Carry out acts of kindness as a family and spread a little sunshine around
  • Treat loved ones to books or inspirational quotes to make you all happy!


101 Inspirations For Your Journey Book


How To Be Happy?


Deep happiness is not the superficial feeling you get from having the latest mobile phone or car. It’s a lasting feeling of fulfilment. The sustainable joy of building healthy relationships, being happy about who you are or finding your true calling. That’s happiness. 


Celebrating the International Day of Happiness is a great place to start! 


Join The Happiness Movement And Be Happy!


Prioritise your happy thoughts

Think about the things that make you happy and identify when and where you are happiest. Be sure to make time every day to do those things or be with people who make you happy! 


Put a smile on someone’s face

Make someone smile and cheer up strangers as well as friends and family. Send them inspirational messages about life, compliment them or surprise them with a small gift or treat. 


Do something nice for yourself 

Make yourself smile too and pamper yourself a little. Indulge yourself with your favourite food or spend time laughing with people you love. Take time to look back on all your happy memories, and forward to future things that will make you happy.


Show how grateful you are

Feeling and expressing gratitude shares that love and happiness around. Everyone wants to feel appreciated, so pay it forward. Tell others when something they’ve done makes you feel happy! And remember to be grateful for all the small things.


Practise happiness consciously

Make happiness a habit every day and make a conscious choice to look for positives even when times are difficult. In the same way you choose to do other things, see the best in life and choose to be happy.  


Delivering Happiness Each And Every Day


Here at Gifts Australia, we know that inspirational gifts and quotes are the perfect pick-me-up for anyone who needs a little motivation. With our motto, Delivering Happiness, every one of our gifts is designed to bring joy to your recipient. With gorgeous gift wrapping and a personalised card, you can tell someone how much they mean to you to bring a little happiness to their doorstep. If you know someone who needs a helping hand, then check out our collection for inspiration. These are gifts to promote confidence, fun and optimism and are sure to make them smile. They are also wonderful reminders that life is a gift too!




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